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Heritage Conservation - Theories, Principles and Practices

This module is intended to give students a practical understanding of the key principles, theories and methods of documentation of heritage conservation to enable us to understand the importance of preserving cultural and architectural heritage.

For this project, our six-person team will need to do research, analyse a variety of buildings, and present each one's conservation strategy. Using one of John Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture, we must all engage in discussion and reach a consensus regarding the importance, knowledge, and enjoyment of architectural legacies.


I have gained knowledge about and a better understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of heritage conservation, documentation, and management processes through this project. Working with Nicholas, Jason, Delilah, Mildred, and Lee Huan has been a pleasure for me. I was able to understand the seven architectural lamps for the specific project and apply them to my case study on the importance of maintaining architectural history.

Project 1 - Case Study Analysis and Awareness Slide Report Presentation

Group Work

Individual Work

-Project 2- Heritage and Conservation Proposal Report Presentation

We must propose adaptive reuse for a vacant chalet at Sungai Buloh Leprosarium in order to finish this project. Site visits, dilapidation reports, and structural defect assessments are all expected of us. It is necessary for the proposal to make reference to JWN and ICOMOS regulations. As a result, a report presentation including an introduction, aims, location background, architectural renderings, surveys, and the proposal is produced.


Through this project, I have learned more about and developed a deeper grasp of project 2. I also have a solid understanding of the historical conservation process, from the first step of seeing the location to be preserved through the phase that involves the suggestion of a conservation plan and a dilapidation survey. I used the knowledge I gained in this module to inform my proposal. The chalets in Sungai Buloh Leprosarium have historical, cultural, and social significance, hence I believe it is imperative to preserve them. I hope that despite the project's difficulties, it will force us to face the legacy of the leprosarium and increase public understanding of leprosy and the leprosarium.

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